Ingegneri Riuniti has been recently developing a definitive/executive project for the construction of a railway line in the African state of Ghana.

The railway line, which will include 33 new stations, starts from the city of Takoradi and reaches the cities of Kumasi and Awaso. Ingegneri Riuniti will take care of the hydraulic and plant design of the stations, performing on behalf of TEAM Engineering SpA.

The hydraulic design includes a separate water collection system: - rainwater drained by the roofs of buildings, considered clean and reusable, - drained water in the areas between the tracks, - rainwater drained by surfaces where machineries can pass (station squares and relevant areas) to be treated before being discharged, - wastewater to be treated.

The discharged waters will be delivered in natural waterways near the stations. Once the final delivery point has been established, the project includes the dimensioning of the separate drainage systems and the relative treatment plants for each station. The water drained by the roofs of larger buildings is collected by a system of downspouts and gravity filters that convey it to a storage tank; the water will then be reused in the water circuit of the station for non-primary uses.

The water that falls into the areas between the tracks is conveyed by a system of drainage channels to its delivery, without being submitted to any treatment. The water drained from the square surfaces is loaded with oily substances; therefore it is collected by a system of storm drains and/or grids and gravity filters that convey it to a treatment plant that allows to separate the oils before its discharge. The black water drained by the toilets is conveyed by a system of collectors (gravity filters, where possible), to a special treatment plant. In cases where the sections of the wastewater collector towards the plant are very long or under pressure, septic tanks will be provided and placed immediately downstream of the services.

Project Synthesis

Year: 2018 - in corso

Place: Ghana

Customer: Ghana Railway Development Authority
